Monday, November 26, 2012

Does your Nexus 7 lag after the 4.2 update? There’s a fix for that

Users are reporting severe performance issues after updating their Nexus 7 to Android 4.2. General lag, choppiness, and stuttering performance seem to be plaguing nearly every aspect of the device, from swiping across the home screens, opening the app drawer, typing on the keyboard, scrolling in the browser or even simply unlocking the device. Even getting the screen to turn on takes several seconds after pressing the power button! Needless to say, this is causing quite a frustrating experience for many users, especially since we’ve grown accustomed to the buttery smoothness of Android 4.1.
I personally experienced all of these issues and more, so I decided to do some research on how to fix it. Turns out the fix is a very simple one. Read on after the break to get the scoop.
If you’re one of the poor users experiencing major lag on your Nexus 7 after the Android 4.2 update, here’s what you can do to remedy the situation:
  1. Open your app drawer
  2. Open Google Currents
  3. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the app
  4. Tap “Settings”
  5. Uncheck “Enable  Background Sync”
  6. Reboot your Nexus 7
That’s it. You shouldn’t experience anymore lag and you probably won’t even need to reboot. For me the difference was night and day. I went an extra step and disabled the app completely just in case. If you want to disable Google Currents for good measure, you can do so by going into your main Settings menu, clicking Apps, swiping to the All category, clicking Google Currents, and then clicking Disable. (If you do this you won’t be able to use Google Currents anymore, but at least your Nexus 7 will be back to normal).
We hope this helps you get back to enjoying your Nexus 7.
Are any of you out there experiencing lag on your Nexus 7 after updating? Did this fix work for you? Let us know in the comments.
source: YouTube more info: google code

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